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Title I

Title I Overview

Title I is a federally funded program designed to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging state academic standards and state academic assessments.

The Title I program focuses on the academic needs of the most disadvantaged students.

What is the aim of Title I in Fulton County Schools?

Title I schools receive federal money to provide additional resources to:

  • Support student instruction
  • Improve teaching strategies
  • Increase family engagement


Title I District Resources

2024-25 Parent & Family Engagement Plan (English)

2024-25 Parent & Family Engagement Plan (Spanish)

FCS Title I Website

"Parent's Right to Know" Information

FCS Student Discipline & Code of Conduct

Georgia Dept. of Education Parent Engagement Program

Title I School Resources

FY2025 Title 1 Parent and Family Engagement Plan English

Download the Plan


FY2025 Title 1 Parent and Family Engagement Plan Spanish

Download the Plan

Hamilton E. Holmes Elementary School-Family Compact

A School-Family Compact is an agreement between parents, students, and teachers. It explains how parents, teachers, and students will work together to make sure all students reach grade level standards.

Parents, students, and staff of Hamilton E. Holmes Elementary School jointly developed this School­ Family compact. Teachers suggested home  learning strategies, parents gave input to make them more specific, and students told us what would help them learn. Parent Input Meetings are held each school year to review the compact and to make changes as needed to increase academic achievement. Feedback is welcome throughout school year.

Starting this year, the Compact will need to be signed digitally via Infinite Campus in the Parent Portal.

Infinite Campus - Fulton County School System

- All students above 10 years of age should sign digitally.

- All parents/guardians are asked to digitally sign the School-Family Compact regardless of their child’s age.

- The digital signature acknowledges you have read, received, and agreed to the School-Family Compact.

- Parents and students can digitally sign by using the online portal or the app on their smartphone/device.

Please read our school's compact thoroughly before signing. Detailed digital signature instructions are at the bottom of this page.


2024-25 School-Family Compact (English)


2024-25 School-Family Compact (Spanish)


           Annual Title 1 Meeting Presentation  (Spanish)



       Annual Title 1 Meeting Presentation (English) 


First page of the PDF file: DigitalSigENGLISH


First page of the PDF file: SchoolCompactDigitalSignatureFormFY25Spanish