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Kind Campaign Inspires Students Across Fulton County Schools

Students from Alpharetta, Creek View, High Point, and New Prospect Elementary Schools recently took part in an inspiring initiative designed to tackle girl-against-girl bullying. The Kind Campaign’s founders brought the nationally renowned and impactful program to Fulton County Schools (FCS) to raise awareness of bullying among girls and foster a culture of empathy, healing, and kindness.

Learn More about Kind Campaign Inspires Students Across Fulton County Schools



At special meetings in October, November and December, parents and community are invited to learn about potential redistricting for areas in South Fulton and Sandy Springs.

Each time a redistricting effort is under way, the school system holds a series of meetings to gather information needed to draft a redistricting proposal that best meets the community’s needs. This allows the community to have maximum input in how the proposed attendance lines are created. 

More Information

Read More about Redistricting meetings set

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